Thursday 29 July 2010

Tim Ferris

When we think of leaders we often have a picture of the suited booted type focused and serious on work. But what if the speaker was a dynamic motivator whose purpose in life was to have FUN and take lots of vacation. Someone who´d rather blog from the beach than preach from a boardroom table. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the world of Tim Ferris!

 Tim Ferris is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and a leader who embraces the lighter side of life.Just two years older than me born in 1977 and he grew up in East Hampton, New York. He attended Princeton University taking up a degree in Neuroscience and East Asian Studies. And even while he was attending the university, Tim polished his entrepreneurial skills by offering speed-reading classes for profit. After college, he tried a number of dead-end jobs until her founded BrainQUICKEN, a company that distributed brain supplement products. His business grew so big and fast that he was having a hard time controlling its rapid expansion and profits. So he created a technique to lessen his work time and diminish his work load fast without compromising profitability. The result? The 4-Hour Workweek.
The 4-Hour Workweek program helps you do ALL your work in a just “four hours a week”! The best selling book has four main chapters and follows the D.E.A.L system. – Definition (deals with getting to know what you want), Elimination (all about time management), Automation (how to get automatic and sustainable income), and Liberation (talks about the successful automation of one's lifestyle). If you have a regular job, Tim recommends you follow D.E.A L. instead. This awesome book also showcases the advantages of outsourcing jobs to others such as Virtual Assistants, especially in developing countries like India. Ever since reading it, I have been a fan of Vas since. Beginning with Brickwork in Bangalore I then moved to a private VA, also from India that I´ve worked with for a few years now. And she is not alone I also use the services of a cool copy writer and PR in The Philippines. Again all outsourced and virtual. This self-help book got to the top in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller lists and I am sure is read by lots of CEOs of global companies.

 After he sold BrainQUICKEN Tim became an angel investor and invested in many companies, including Twitter.He is also a champion kick boxer, adviser to many Olympians, dances the Tango and is the most famous proponent of the Mini Retirement, regular mini breaks from work. Instead of retiring at 60, work but work 2 months on then take a month off and travel the world. Pretty cool stuff! He is also pretty hot on internet marketing and Google adword advice.

He is a man that loves fun and a fave guru of mine because he thinks out the box and enjoys life. Go Tim!

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Chris Howard

When it comes to NLP training (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Chris Howard is the best and certainly one of my favourite gurus having myself personally studied all his programs. Chris is an internationally acclaimed wealth and lifestyle strategist; he is also an author of bestselling books, a very prominent speaker, and the founder of the Christopher Howard Academy of Wealth and Achievement. However, the journey to where he is now was not always an easy one for Chris. It took him almost twenty years of non-stop research on the success strategies of the world's best business, philanthropic and spiritual minds. And what he knows - he shares. Whether your preferred learning medium is by book, audio series, DVD, interactive web members site or live seminar training- Chris shares his skills via all mediums throughout the world.

But first things first: just incase you aren´t sure what Neuro-Linguistic Programming is, here is a brief definition. NLP is a very different approach to psychotherapy and to organizational change. It is a style of interpersonal communication which has its focus on the relationship between successful patterns of behavior and the implicit subjective experiences. And Chris Howard has some great NLP teachings and strategies.
 Chris Howard has helped over hundreds of thousands of people globally design their own destinies. If you too want wealth and to be the master of the lifestyle you truly desire, I´d try some NLP Coaching!

 Chris’ Academy of Wealth and Achievement is one of the fastest growing personal development training hubs in the world. Chris has training operations in the USA, UK, Ireland, Australia and now Asia. Event companies like Think Big Education, Universal Events and Success Resources provide great partnerships to help Chris facilitate his training events. Personally I have attended all the Think Big events and “graduate” this November via Billionaire Bootcamp on The Gold Coast.

Chris, who is also known as the “Warren Buffet of personal and professional development,” is one of the leading authorities when we speak of psychology of wealth and accelerated personal achievement worldwide. His ability and dynamic presence make him a true guru for me.

What’s also special about him is that he makes it a point to also give back to the world. Being a social entrepreneur, he assists developing nations in projects across the globe. Starting with Peru, he built a high school in the Huilloq Community. He also helped in South Africa by sending out a group of 30 coaches and mentors to educate hundreds of students at CIDA, the very first free university in the country that is being supported by the likes of Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson. His humanitarian work extends as far as Mongolia and Cambodia with the Billionaire Adventure Club (run by the fabulous Heather Porter) and Alliance for Global Wealth. 

And, as if that’s not enough, he is also a Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB) master faculty member, which aims to help eradicate poverty by giving out opportunities through micro financing. I am a founding arc angel of HUB and can´t recommend it highly enough. Chris shares the faculty with other fave gurus of mine Rev. Michael Beckwith.

When he is not busy jetsetting, Chris enjoys martial arts especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He is a black belter and has worked with martial arts' big names like the Gracies. When he is not doing some ju jitsu moves, he and gorgeous wife Lauren travel all across the world to spread out the gift of transformation through education and entrepreneurship. His amazing Master Trainers Duane Alley, Johnnie Cass and Pete Shaw are carrying on his awesome work along with Elite Coach Amy Brann. So visit his site and learn more about his style of NLP at

Monday 19 July 2010

Bob Proctor

If you want to know the Science of Getting Rich, then you can absolutely run to one man who is an expert in this field (as well as Wallace D Wattles). His name… is Bob Proctor. I was lucky enough to go on his inaugural cruise from San Diego to Mexico in Oct 2007 and it changed my life.

Think on this. Why are you satisfied with just dreaming of the life you have always wanted? Bob´s work will help you MANIFEST it!

Everyone of us has the key to the Secret - only a few know how to open it. And this is where Bob comes in.

Bob Proctor is one of the most sought after speakers in the world when we talk of the topic of science of getting rich. His teachings are based on The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and he has mastered this teaching well!

Bob has been doing this for more than forty years now. Before he became one of the best speakers in the world, he was kicked out in high school and stuck in dead-end jobs -his future once seemed bleak with sky-high debts. And then a book landed in his lap – Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. This book planted that seed of hope in Bob's mind. 

Within just a few months, and with the support from the works of his friend and mentor Earl Nightingale, Bob's life catapulted to the kind that he has always wanted for himself.  And, in just one single year, he was earning more than a $100,000 and not long after, he reached the $1Million point.

 Bob Proctor moved to Chicago, to work with Earl then founded his own seminar and publishing company. Featured in the movie The Secret ,Bob produced a wonderful program with Jack Canfield and Rev.Michael Beckwith, called the SGR Club which I personally cannot recommend highly enough.

Bob travels to world spreading the science of getting rich to the thousands of people who are willing to know, believe, and act upon the capabilities of our own minds. Just like his great book says, You Were Born Rich! 

Mary Morrisey

The New Thought Movement, or simply New Thought, is relatively a new spiritual movement that started in the USA that is based on metaphysical beliefs. Since its inception during the early 19th century, many religious dominations, secular organizations, authors and philosophers have sprung out from the movement. And one of them... is a personal favourite guru of mine Mary Morrissey. I have decided to begin my blog journey with a homage to Mary.

When it comes to credentials, Mary´s are right up there! She has a Bachelor's Degree in Education, Master's Degree in Psychology, and honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters. She has been an ordained Minister for over 30 years (she did most of her work with Unity Church). Regardless of all the degrees and honours she has obtained for herself, however, nothing is more important than the two black belts she has earned: one in success and one in for failure.

She´s written two books - No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams - which eventually became bestsellers. She also has a PBS Special. Apart from books, she has also authored and contributed work to many audio programs, one of which is Working with the Law with another hero of mine, Bob Proctor. 

Mary Morrissey hails from Oregon, USA. She is one of the best speakers in the industry and a top-notch consultant even after three decades. Mary's teaching skill is so influential that her transformational talks and seminars have put her on the map as one of the best teachers in the field of human potential. She is also the founder and the current president of LifeSOULutions, a company that helps transforming dreams and aspirations into possibility.

Mary also co-founded Association for Global New Thought, and she is its first President. She was the first New Thought Minister to be appointed to the Parliament of Religion's Executive Counsel alongside Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith from Agape (another personal hero of mine). She´s spoken 3 times as the Co-Chair of A Season of Non-Violence at the United Nations and, to top it all, she was inducted into the Martin Luther King Order of Preachers.

Mary has been linked to many influential world leaders. She has co-assembled and assisted the progress of 3 different weeklong meetings with nevertheless, His Holiness The Dalai Lama. She has also met with South Africa's visionary Nelson Mandela in Cape Town.

However, even with all these achievements, Mary also has had her share of public pain and obstacles, most notably with her ex husband. When I first saw Mary it was on the Bob Proctor Cruise in Oct 2007 and she was so open with the audience about her ex husband. She spoke with such humility and warmth it was impossible not to feel for her. She did, however, stress that obstacles will never stop her from doing good for others with her teachings. On that cruise as she took daily worship alongside Rev Beckwith of Agape, she touched many people's hearts and minds. People like Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of Manifest your Destiny and Marianne Williamson, author of A Woman's Worth have continuously praised her, claiming that she is, indeed, one of the best teachers of life around. And I couldn´t agree more!