Tuesday 27 July 2010

Chris Howard

When it comes to NLP training (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Chris Howard is the best and certainly one of my favourite gurus having myself personally studied all his programs. Chris is an internationally acclaimed wealth and lifestyle strategist; he is also an author of bestselling books, a very prominent speaker, and the founder of the Christopher Howard Academy of Wealth and Achievement. However, the journey to where he is now was not always an easy one for Chris. It took him almost twenty years of non-stop research on the success strategies of the world's best business, philanthropic and spiritual minds. And what he knows - he shares. Whether your preferred learning medium is by book, audio series, DVD, interactive web members site or live seminar training- Chris shares his skills via all mediums throughout the world.

But first things first: just incase you aren´t sure what Neuro-Linguistic Programming is, here is a brief definition. NLP is a very different approach to psychotherapy and to organizational change. It is a style of interpersonal communication which has its focus on the relationship between successful patterns of behavior and the implicit subjective experiences. And Chris Howard has some great NLP teachings and strategies.
 Chris Howard has helped over hundreds of thousands of people globally design their own destinies. If you too want wealth and to be the master of the lifestyle you truly desire, I´d try some NLP Coaching!

 Chris’ Academy of Wealth and Achievement is one of the fastest growing personal development training hubs in the world. Chris has training operations in the USA, UK, Ireland, Australia and now Asia. Event companies like Think Big Education, Universal Events and Success Resources provide great partnerships to help Chris facilitate his training events. Personally I have attended all the Think Big events and “graduate” this November via Billionaire Bootcamp on The Gold Coast.

Chris, who is also known as the “Warren Buffet of personal and professional development,” is one of the leading authorities when we speak of psychology of wealth and accelerated personal achievement worldwide. His ability and dynamic presence make him a true guru for me.

What’s also special about him is that he makes it a point to also give back to the world. Being a social entrepreneur, he assists developing nations in projects across the globe. Starting with Peru, he built a high school in the Huilloq Community. He also helped in South Africa by sending out a group of 30 coaches and mentors to educate hundreds of students at CIDA, the very first free university in the country that is being supported by the likes of Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson. His humanitarian work extends as far as Mongolia and Cambodia with the Billionaire Adventure Club (run by the fabulous Heather Porter) and Alliance for Global Wealth. 

And, as if that’s not enough, he is also a Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB) master faculty member, which aims to help eradicate poverty by giving out opportunities through micro financing. I am a founding arc angel of HUB and can´t recommend it highly enough. Chris shares the faculty with other fave gurus of mine Rev. Michael Beckwith.

When he is not busy jetsetting, Chris enjoys martial arts especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He is a black belter and has worked with martial arts' big names like the Gracies. When he is not doing some ju jitsu moves, he and gorgeous wife Lauren travel all across the world to spread out the gift of transformation through education and entrepreneurship. His amazing Master Trainers Duane Alley, Johnnie Cass and Pete Shaw are carrying on his awesome work along with Elite Coach Amy Brann. So visit his site and learn more about his style of NLP at http://www.chrishoward.com/

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