Thursday 29 July 2010

Tim Ferris

When we think of leaders we often have a picture of the suited booted type focused and serious on work. But what if the speaker was a dynamic motivator whose purpose in life was to have FUN and take lots of vacation. Someone who´d rather blog from the beach than preach from a boardroom table. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the world of Tim Ferris!

 Tim Ferris is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and a leader who embraces the lighter side of life.Just two years older than me born in 1977 and he grew up in East Hampton, New York. He attended Princeton University taking up a degree in Neuroscience and East Asian Studies. And even while he was attending the university, Tim polished his entrepreneurial skills by offering speed-reading classes for profit. After college, he tried a number of dead-end jobs until her founded BrainQUICKEN, a company that distributed brain supplement products. His business grew so big and fast that he was having a hard time controlling its rapid expansion and profits. So he created a technique to lessen his work time and diminish his work load fast without compromising profitability. The result? The 4-Hour Workweek.
The 4-Hour Workweek program helps you do ALL your work in a just “four hours a week”! The best selling book has four main chapters and follows the D.E.A.L system. – Definition (deals with getting to know what you want), Elimination (all about time management), Automation (how to get automatic and sustainable income), and Liberation (talks about the successful automation of one's lifestyle). If you have a regular job, Tim recommends you follow D.E.A L. instead. This awesome book also showcases the advantages of outsourcing jobs to others such as Virtual Assistants, especially in developing countries like India. Ever since reading it, I have been a fan of Vas since. Beginning with Brickwork in Bangalore I then moved to a private VA, also from India that I´ve worked with for a few years now. And she is not alone I also use the services of a cool copy writer and PR in The Philippines. Again all outsourced and virtual. This self-help book got to the top in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller lists and I am sure is read by lots of CEOs of global companies.

 After he sold BrainQUICKEN Tim became an angel investor and invested in many companies, including Twitter.He is also a champion kick boxer, adviser to many Olympians, dances the Tango and is the most famous proponent of the Mini Retirement, regular mini breaks from work. Instead of retiring at 60, work but work 2 months on then take a month off and travel the world. Pretty cool stuff! He is also pretty hot on internet marketing and Google adword advice.

He is a man that loves fun and a fave guru of mine because he thinks out the box and enjoys life. Go Tim!

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